/*! * jQuery Cycle2; version: 2.1.2 build: 20140216 * http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/ * Copyright (c) 2014 M. Alsup; Dual licensed: MIT/GPL */ /* Cycle2 core engine */ ;(function($) { "use strict"; var version = '2.1.2'; $.fn.cycle = function( options ) { // fix mistakes with the ready state var o; if ( this.length === 0 && !$.isReady ) { o = { s: this.selector, c: this.context }; $.fn.cycle.log('requeuing slideshow (dom not ready)'); $(function() { $( o.s, o.c ).cycle(options); }); return this; } return this.each(function() { var data, opts, shortName, val; var container = $(this); var log = $.fn.cycle.log; if ( container.data('cycle.opts') ) return; // already initialized if ( container.data('cycle-log') === false || ( options && options.log === false ) || ( opts && opts.log === false) ) { log = $.noop; } log('--c2 init--'); data = container.data(); for (var p in data) { // allow props to be accessed sans 'cycle' prefix and log the overrides if (data.hasOwnProperty(p) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(p) ) { val = data[p]; shortName = p.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, lowerCase); log(shortName+':', val, '('+typeof val +')'); data[shortName] = val; } } opts = $.extend( {}, $.fn.cycle.defaults, data, options || {}); opts.timeoutId = 0; opts.paused = opts.paused || false; // #57 opts.container = container; opts._maxZ = opts.maxZ; opts.API = $.extend ( { _container: container }, $.fn.cycle.API ); opts.API.log = log; opts.API.trigger = function( eventName, args ) { opts.container.trigger( eventName, args ); return opts.API; }; container.data( 'cycle.opts', opts ); container.data( 'cycle.API', opts.API ); // opportunity for plugins to modify opts and API opts.API.trigger('cycle-bootstrap', [ opts, opts.API ]); opts.API.addInitialSlides(); opts.API.preInitSlideshow(); if ( opts.slides.length ) opts.API.initSlideshow(); }); }; $.fn.cycle.API = { opts: function() { return this._container.data( 'cycle.opts' ); }, addInitialSlides: function() { var opts = this.opts(); var slides = opts.slides; opts.slideCount = 0; opts.slides = $(); // empty set // add slides that already exist slides = slides.jquery ? slides : opts.container.find( slides ); if ( opts.random ) { slides.sort(function() {return Math.random() - 0.5;}); } opts.API.add( slides ); }, preInitSlideshow: function() { var opts = this.opts(); opts.API.trigger('cycle-pre-initialize', [ opts ]); var tx = $.fn.cycle.transitions[opts.fx]; if (tx && $.isFunction(tx.preInit)) tx.preInit( opts ); opts._preInitialized = true; }, postInitSlideshow: function() { var opts = this.opts(); opts.API.trigger('cycle-post-initialize', [ opts ]); var tx = $.fn.cycle.transitions[opts.fx]; if (tx && $.isFunction(tx.postInit)) tx.postInit( opts ); }, initSlideshow: function() { var opts = this.opts(); var pauseObj = opts.container; var slideOpts; opts.API.calcFirstSlide(); if ( opts.container.css('position') == 'static' ) opts.container.css('position', 'relative'); $(opts.slides[opts.currSlide]).css({ opacity: 1, display: 'block', visibility: 'visible' }); opts.API.stackSlides( opts.slides[opts.currSlide], opts.slides[opts.nextSlide], !opts.reverse ); if ( opts.pauseOnHover ) { // allow pauseOnHover to specify an element if ( opts.pauseOnHover !== true ) pauseObj = $( opts.pauseOnHover ); pauseObj.hover( function(){ opts.API.pause( true ); }, function(){ opts.API.resume( true ); } ); } // stage initial transition if ( opts.timeout ) { slideOpts = opts.API.getSlideOpts( opts.currSlide ); opts.API.queueTransition( slideOpts, slideOpts.timeout + opts.delay ); } opts._initialized = true; opts.API.updateView( true ); opts.API.trigger('cycle-initialized', [ opts ]); opts.API.postInitSlideshow(); }, pause: function( hover ) { var opts = this.opts(), slideOpts = opts.API.getSlideOpts(), alreadyPaused = opts.hoverPaused || opts.paused; if ( hover ) opts.hoverPaused = true; else opts.paused = true; if ( ! alreadyPaused ) { opts.container.addClass('cycle-paused'); opts.API.trigger('cycle-paused', [ opts ]).log('cycle-paused'); if ( slideOpts.timeout ) { clearTimeout( opts.timeoutId ); opts.timeoutId = 0; // determine how much time is left for the current slide opts._remainingTimeout -= ( $.now() - opts._lastQueue ); if ( opts._remainingTimeout < 0 || isNaN(opts._remainingTimeout) ) opts._remainingTimeout = undefined; } } }, resume: function( hover ) { var opts = this.opts(), alreadyResumed = !opts.hoverPaused && !opts.paused, remaining; if ( hover ) opts.hoverPaused = false; else opts.paused = false; if ( ! alreadyResumed ) { opts.container.removeClass('cycle-paused'); // #gh-230; if an animation is in progress then don't queue a new transition; it will // happen naturally if ( opts.slides.filter(':animated').length === 0 ) opts.API.queueTransition( opts.API.getSlideOpts(), opts._remainingTimeout ); opts.API.trigger('cycle-resumed', [ opts, opts._remainingTimeout ] ).log('cycle-resumed'); } }, add: function( slides, prepend ) { var opts = this.opts(); var oldSlideCount = opts.slideCount; var startSlideshow = false; var len; if ( $.type(slides) == 'string') slides = $.trim( slides ); $( slides ).each(function(i) { var slideOpts; var slide = $(this); if ( prepend ) opts.container.prepend( slide ); else opts.container.append( slide ); opts.slideCount++; slideOpts = opts.API.buildSlideOpts( slide ); if ( prepend ) opts.slides = $( slide ).add( opts.slides ); else opts.slides = opts.slides.add( slide ); opts.API.initSlide( slideOpts, slide, --opts._maxZ ); slide.data('cycle.opts', slideOpts); opts.API.trigger('cycle-slide-added', [ opts, slideOpts, slide ]); }); opts.API.updateView( true ); startSlideshow = opts._preInitialized && (oldSlideCount < 2 && opts.slideCount >= 1); if ( startSlideshow ) { if ( !opts._initialized ) opts.API.initSlideshow(); else if ( opts.timeout ) { len = opts.slides.length; opts.nextSlide = opts.reverse ? len - 1 : 1; if ( !opts.timeoutId ) { opts.API.queueTransition( opts ); } } } }, calcFirstSlide: function() { var opts = this.opts(); var firstSlideIndex; firstSlideIndex = parseInt( opts.startingSlide || 0, 10 ); if (firstSlideIndex >= opts.slides.length || firstSlideIndex < 0) firstSlideIndex = 0; opts.currSlide = firstSlideIndex; if ( opts.reverse ) { opts.nextSlide = firstSlideIndex - 1; if (opts.nextSlide < 0) opts.nextSlide = opts.slides.length - 1; } else { opts.nextSlide = firstSlideIndex + 1; if (opts.nextSlide == opts.slides.length) opts.nextSlide = 0; } }, calcNextSlide: function() { var opts = this.opts(); var roll; if ( opts.reverse ) { roll = (opts.nextSlide - 1) < 0; opts.nextSlide = roll ? opts.slideCount - 1 : opts.nextSlide-1; opts.currSlide = roll ? 0 : opts.nextSlide+1; } else { roll = (opts.nextSlide + 1) == opts.slides.length; opts.nextSlide = roll ? 0 : opts.nextSlide+1; opts.currSlide = roll ? opts.slides.length-1 : opts.nextSlide-1; } }, calcTx: function( slideOpts, manual ) { var opts = slideOpts; var tx; if ( manual && opts.manualFx ) tx = $.fn.cycle.transitions[opts.manualFx]; if ( !tx ) tx = $.fn.cycle.transitions[opts.fx]; if (!tx) { tx = $.fn.cycle.transitions.fade; opts.API.log('Transition "' + opts.fx + '" not found. Using fade.'); } return tx; }, prepareTx: function( manual, fwd ) { var opts = this.opts(); var after, curr, next, slideOpts, tx; if ( opts.slideCount < 2 ) { opts.timeoutId = 0; return; } if ( manual && ( !opts.busy || opts.manualTrump ) ) { opts.API.stopTransition(); opts.busy = false; clearTimeout(opts.timeoutId); opts.timeoutId = 0; } if ( opts.busy ) return; if ( opts.timeoutId === 0 && !manual ) return; curr = opts.slides[opts.currSlide]; next = opts.slides[opts.nextSlide]; slideOpts = opts.API.getSlideOpts( opts.nextSlide ); tx = opts.API.calcTx( slideOpts, manual ); opts._tx = tx; if ( manual && slideOpts.manualSpeed !== undefined ) slideOpts.speed = slideOpts.manualSpeed; // if ( opts.nextSlide === opts.currSlide ) // opts.API.calcNextSlide(); // ensure that: // 1. advancing to a different slide // 2. this is either a manual event (prev/next, pager, cmd) or // a timer event and slideshow is not paused if ( opts.nextSlide != opts.currSlide && (manual || (!opts.paused && !opts.hoverPaused && opts.timeout) )) { // #62 opts.API.trigger('cycle-before', [ slideOpts, curr, next, fwd ]); if ( tx.before ) tx.before( slideOpts, curr, next, fwd ); after = function() { opts.busy = false; // #76; bail if slideshow has been destroyed if (! opts.container.data( 'cycle.opts' ) ) return; if (tx.after) tx.after( slideOpts, curr, next, fwd ); opts.API.trigger('cycle-after', [ slideOpts, curr, next, fwd ]); opts.API.queueTransition( slideOpts); opts.API.updateView( true ); }; opts.busy = true; if (tx.transition) tx.transition(slideOpts, curr, next, fwd, after); else opts.API.doTransition( slideOpts, curr, next, fwd, after); opts.API.calcNextSlide(); opts.API.updateView(); } else { opts.API.queueTransition( slideOpts ); } }, // perform the actual animation doTransition: function( slideOpts, currEl, nextEl, fwd, callback) { var opts = slideOpts; var curr = $(currEl), next = $(nextEl); var fn = function() { // make sure animIn has something so that callback doesn't trigger immediately next.animate(opts.animIn || { opacity: 1}, opts.speed, opts.easeIn || opts.easing, callback); }; next.css(opts.cssBefore || {}); curr.animate(opts.animOut || {}, opts.speed, opts.easeOut || opts.easing, function() { curr.css(opts.cssAfter || {}); if (!opts.sync) { fn(); } }); if (opts.sync) { fn(); } }, queueTransition: function( slideOpts, specificTimeout ) { var opts = this.opts(); var timeout = specificTimeout !== undefined ? specificTimeout : slideOpts.timeout; if (opts.nextSlide === 0 && --opts.loop === 0) { opts.API.log('terminating; loop=0'); opts.timeout = 0; if ( timeout ) { setTimeout(function() { opts.API.trigger('cycle-finished', [ opts ]); }, timeout); } else { opts.API.trigger('cycle-finished', [ opts ]); } // reset nextSlide opts.nextSlide = opts.currSlide; return; } if ( opts.continueAuto !== undefined ) { if ( opts.continueAuto === false || ($.isFunction(opts.continueAuto) && opts.continueAuto() === false )) { opts.API.log('terminating automatic transitions'); opts.timeout = 0; if ( opts.timeoutId ) clearTimeout(opts.timeoutId); return; } } if ( timeout ) { opts._lastQueue = $.now(); if ( specificTimeout === undefined ) opts._remainingTimeout = slideOpts.timeout; if ( !opts.paused && ! opts.hoverPaused ) { opts.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { opts.API.prepareTx( false, !opts.reverse ); }, timeout ); } } }, stopTransition: function() { var opts = this.opts(); if ( opts.slides.filter(':animated').length ) { opts.slides.stop(false, true); opts.API.trigger('cycle-transition-stopped', [ opts ]); } if ( opts._tx && opts._tx.stopTransition ) opts._tx.stopTransition( opts ); }, // advance slide forward or back advanceSlide: function( val ) { var opts = this.opts(); clearTimeout(opts.timeoutId); opts.timeoutId = 0; opts.nextSlide = opts.currSlide + val; if (opts.nextSlide < 0) opts.nextSlide = opts.slides.length - 1; else if (opts.nextSlide >= opts.slides.length) opts.nextSlide = 0; opts.API.prepareTx( true, val >= 0 ); return false; }, buildSlideOpts: function( slide ) { var opts = this.opts(); var val, shortName; var slideOpts = slide.data() || {}; for (var p in slideOpts) { // allow props to be accessed sans 'cycle' prefix and log the overrides if (slideOpts.hasOwnProperty(p) && /^cycle[A-Z]+/.test(p) ) { val = slideOpts[p]; shortName = p.match(/^cycle(.*)/)[1].replace(/^[A-Z]/, lowerCase); opts.API.log('['+(opts.slideCount-1)+']', shortName+':', val, '('+typeof val +')'); slideOpts[shortName] = val; } } slideOpts = $.extend( {}, $.fn.cycle.defaults, opts, slideOpts ); slideOpts.slideNum = opts.slideCount; try { // these props should always be read from the master state object delete slideOpts.API; delete slideOpts.slideCount; delete slideOpts.currSlide; delete slideOpts.nextSlide; delete slideOpts.slides; } catch(e) { // no op } return slideOpts; }, getSlideOpts: function( index ) { var opts = this.opts(); if ( index === undefined ) index = opts.currSlide; var slide = opts.slides[index]; var slideOpts = $(slide).data('cycle.opts'); return $.extend( {}, opts, slideOpts ); }, initSlide: function( slideOpts, slide, suggestedZindex ) { var opts = this.opts(); slide.css( slideOpts.slideCss || {} ); if ( suggestedZindex > 0 ) slide.css( 'zIndex', suggestedZindex ); // ensure that speed settings are sane if ( isNaN( slideOpts.speed ) ) slideOpts.speed = $.fx.speeds[slideOpts.speed] || $.fx.speeds._default; if ( !slideOpts.sync ) slideOpts.speed = slideOpts.speed / 2; slide.addClass( opts.slideClass ); }, updateView: function( isAfter, isDuring, forceEvent ) { var opts = this.opts(); if ( !opts._initialized ) return; var slideOpts = opts.API.getSlideOpts(); var currSlide = opts.slides[ opts.currSlide ]; if ( ! isAfter && isDuring !== true ) { opts.API.trigger('cycle-update-view-before', [ opts, slideOpts, currSlide ]); if ( opts.updateView < 0 ) return; } if ( opts.slideActiveClass ) { opts.slides.removeClass( opts.slideActiveClass ) .eq( opts.currSlide ).addClass( opts.slideActiveClass ); } if ( isAfter && opts.hideNonActive ) opts.slides.filter( ':not(.' + opts.slideActiveClass + ')' ).css('visibility', 'hidden'); if ( opts.updateView === 0 ) { setTimeout(function() { opts.API.trigger('cycle-update-view', [ opts, slideOpts, currSlide, isAfter ]); }, slideOpts.speed / (opts.sync ? 2 : 1) ); } if ( opts.updateView !== 0 ) opts.API.trigger('cycle-update-view', [ opts, slideOpts, currSlide, isAfter ]); if ( isAfter ) opts.API.trigger('cycle-update-view-after', [ opts, slideOpts, currSlide ]); }, getComponent: function( name ) { var opts = this.opts(); var selector = opts[name]; if (typeof selector === 'string') { // if selector is a child, sibling combinator, adjancent selector then use find, otherwise query full dom return (/^\s*[\>|\+|~]/).test( selector ) ? opts.container.find( selector ) : $( selector ); } if (selector.jquery) return selector; return $(selector); }, stackSlides: function( curr, next, fwd ) { var opts = this.opts(); if ( !curr ) { curr = opts.slides[opts.currSlide]; next = opts.slides[opts.nextSlide]; fwd = !opts.reverse; } // reset the zIndex for the common case: // curr slide on top, next slide beneath, and the rest in order to be shown $(curr).css('zIndex', opts.maxZ); var i; var z = opts.maxZ - 2; var len = opts.slideCount; if (fwd) { for ( i = opts.currSlide + 1; i < len; i++ ) $( opts.slides[i] ).css( 'zIndex', z-- ); for ( i = 0; i < opts.currSlide; i++ ) $( opts.slides[i] ).css( 'zIndex', z-- ); } else { for ( i = opts.currSlide - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) $( opts.slides[i] ).css( 'zIndex', z-- ); for ( i = len - 1; i > opts.currSlide; i-- ) $( opts.slides[i] ).css( 'zIndex', z-- ); } $(next).css('zIndex', opts.maxZ - 1); }, getSlideIndex: function( el ) { return this.opts().slides.index( el ); } }; // API // default logger $.fn.cycle.log = function log() { /*global console:true */ if (window.console && console.log) console.log('[cycle2] ' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ' ') ); }; $.fn.cycle.version = function() { return 'Cycle2: ' + version; }; // helper functions function lowerCase(s) { return (s || '').toLowerCase(); } // expose transition object $.fn.cycle.transitions = { custom: { }, none: { before: function( opts, curr, next, fwd ) { opts.API.stackSlides( next, curr, fwd ); opts.cssBefore = { opacity: 1, visibility: 'visible', display: 'block' }; } }, fade: { before: function( opts, curr, next, fwd ) { var css = opts.API.getSlideOpts( opts.nextSlide ).slideCss || {}; opts.API.stackSlides( curr, next, fwd ); opts.cssBefore = $.extend(css, { opacity: 0, visibility: 'visible', display: 'block' }); opts.animIn = { opacity: 1 }; opts.animOut = { opacity: 0 }; } }, fadeout: { before: function( opts , curr, next, fwd ) { var css = opts.API.getSlideOpts( opts.nextSlide ).slideCss || {}; opts.API.stackSlides( curr, next, fwd ); opts.cssBefore = $.extend(css, { opacity: 1, visibility: 'visible', display: 'block' }); opts.animOut = { opacity: 0 }; } }, scrollHorz: { before: function( opts, curr, next, fwd ) { opts.API.stackSlides( curr, next, fwd ); var w = opts.container.css('overflow','hidden').width(); opts.cssBefore = { left: fwd ? w : - w, top: 0, opacity: 1, visibility: 'visible', display: 'block' }; opts.cssAfter = { zIndex: opts._maxZ - 2, left: 0 }; opts.animIn = { left: 0 }; opts.animOut = { left: fwd ? -w : w }; } } }; // @see: http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/api $.fn.cycle.defaults = { allowWrap: true, autoSelector: '.cycle-slideshow[data-cycle-auto-init!=false]', delay: 0, easing: null, fx: 'fade', hideNonActive: true, loop: 0, manualFx: undefined, manualSpeed: undefined, manualTrump: true, maxZ: 100, pauseOnHover: false, reverse: false, slideActiveClass: 'cycle-slide-active', slideClass: 'cycle-slide', slideCss: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }, slides: '> img', speed: 500, startingSlide: 0, sync: true, timeout: 4000, updateView: 0 }; // automatically find and run slideshows $(document).ready(function() { $( $.fn.cycle.defaults.autoSelector ).cycle(); }); })(jQuery); /*! Cycle2 autoheight plugin; Copyright (c) M.Alsup, 2012; version: 20130913 */ (function($) { "use strict"; $.extend($.fn.cycle.defaults, { autoHeight: 0, // setting this option to false disables autoHeight logic autoHeightSpeed: 250, autoHeightEasing: null }); $(document).on( 'cycle-initialized', function( e, opts ) { var autoHeight = opts.autoHeight; var t = $.type( autoHeight ); var resizeThrottle = null; var ratio; if ( t !== 'string' && t !== 'number' ) return; // bind events opts.container.on( 'cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed', initAutoHeight ); opts.container.on( 'cycle-destroyed', onDestroy ); if ( autoHeight == 'container' ) { opts.container.on( 'cycle-before', onBefore ); } else if ( t === 'string' && /\d+\:\d+/.test( autoHeight ) ) { // use ratio ratio = autoHeight.match(/(\d+)\:(\d+)/); ratio = ratio[1] / ratio[2]; opts._autoHeightRatio = ratio; } // if autoHeight is a number then we don't need to recalculate the sentinel // index on resize if ( t !== 'number' ) { // bind unique resize handler per slideshow (so it can be 'off-ed' in onDestroy) opts._autoHeightOnResize = function () { clearTimeout( resizeThrottle ); resizeThrottle = setTimeout( onResize, 50 ); }; $(window).on( 'resize orientationchange', opts._autoHeightOnResize ); } setTimeout( onResize, 30 ); function onResize() { initAutoHeight( e, opts ); } }); function initAutoHeight( e, opts ) { var clone, height, sentinelIndex; var autoHeight = opts.autoHeight; if ( autoHeight == 'container' ) { height = $( opts.slides[ opts.currSlide ] ).outerHeight(); opts.container.height( height ); } else if ( opts._autoHeightRatio ) { opts.container.height( opts.container.width() / opts._autoHeightRatio ); } else if ( autoHeight === 'calc' || ( $.type( autoHeight ) == 'number' && autoHeight >= 0 ) ) { if ( autoHeight === 'calc' ) sentinelIndex = calcSentinelIndex( e, opts ); else if ( autoHeight >= opts.slides.length ) sentinelIndex = 0; else sentinelIndex = autoHeight; // only recreate sentinel if index is different if ( sentinelIndex == opts._sentinelIndex ) return; opts._sentinelIndex = sentinelIndex; if ( opts._sentinel ) opts._sentinel.remove(); // clone existing slide as sentinel clone = $( opts.slides[ sentinelIndex ].cloneNode(true) ); // #50; remove special attributes from cloned content clone.removeAttr( 'id name rel' ).find( '[id],[name],[rel]' ).removeAttr( 'id name rel' ); clone.css({ position: 'static', visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block' }).prependTo( opts.container ).addClass('cycle-sentinel cycle-slide').removeClass('cycle-slide-active'); clone.find( '*' ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); opts._sentinel = clone; } } function calcSentinelIndex( e, opts ) { var index = 0, max = -1; // calculate tallest slide index opts.slides.each(function(i) { var h = $(this).height(); if ( h > max ) { max = h; index = i; } }); return index; } function onBefore( e, opts, outgoing, incoming, forward ) { var h = $(incoming).outerHeight(); opts.container.animate( { height: h }, opts.autoHeightSpeed, opts.autoHeightEasing ); } function onDestroy( e, opts ) { if ( opts._autoHeightOnResize ) { $(window).off( 'resize orientationchange', opts._autoHeightOnResize ); opts._autoHeightOnResize = null; } opts.container.off( 'cycle-slide-added cycle-slide-removed', initAutoHeight ); opts.container.off( 'cycle-destroyed', onDestroy ); opts.container.off( 'cycle-before', onBefore ); if ( opts._sentinel ) { opts._sentinel.remove(); opts._sentinel = null; } } })(jQuery); /*! caption plugin for Cycle2; version: 20130306 */ (function($) { "use strict"; $.extend($.fn.cycle.defaults, { caption: '> .cycle-caption', captionTemplate: '{{slideNum}} / {{slideCount}}', overlay: '> .cycle-overlay', overlayTemplate: '